Professional construction services for over three genereations

M.R. Pittman Group, LLC is made up of a management team that is deeply rooted in the construction industry of Southeast Louisiana. For three generations the Pittman family has been synonymous with quality construction projects for the local municipalities, state and federal government and private ownership projects.
Our philosophy at M.R. Pittman Group is to provide high quality work within the scope, time and budget provided. The more complex the project, the more we feel we can help. We have our own in house design team to handle all formwork, TRS, dewatering, and other items necessary for infrastructure projects in Southeast Louisiana.
Streamlined management team with complete authority to act on the company’s behalf to help provide an immediate response to changes or challenges that sometimes arise.
Dedicated project managers involved in a project from the bidding phase through the completion of the project.
Pride in our performance so we are very selective during the bidding process. Each prospective project is reviewed to determine how it fits in not only what we do, but in how well we can do the project at the budget, timeframe and scope provided.
We take pride in our performance and only take on projects that we know we can do well

Each prospective project is reviewed to determine how it fits in not only what we do, but in how well we can do the project at the budget, timeframe and scope provided.

For more than 30 years, M.R. Pittmas has earned one of the finest reputations across Southeast Louisiana for heavy construction service that exceed our client’s expectations.

We always deliver exceptional and sustainable outcomes for our clients

We work collaboratively to create value through built and natural assets that work in harmony with their surroundings – from shopping centers in Shanghai to reduced air pollution in New York City. Improving quality of life.
Complete fleet of trucks and construction equipment, maintained and serviced internally, to get to the project location timely.

Construction Workers


Completed Projects


Completed Projects


Worldwide Branches

We are your trusted manufacturing & engineering partner

We have a professional team of construction workers and auditors for your company


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